NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.

NB Winter Caching Tournament (WINCAT)


After a successful inaugural New Brunswick Winter Caching Tournament (WINCAT) we have decided to conduct another Winter Tournament.  The purpose of WINCAT is to reinvigorate New Brunswick Geocachers with a fun competition during the whitest & coldest time of year.  The activity is designed to get you up and out of your cozy abode to discover some white gold.  The aim is simple.  Complete 19 of the 36 Tasks during the Tournament period to be eligible for some great prizes.  Because COVID-19, the Tournament is restricted to caches located in Atlantic Canada and Geocachers who are currently residents of NB.  Pease adhere to all COVID-19 public health restrictions wherever in Atlantic Canada you choose to cache

So in the spirit of winter fun, and in partnership with Cache Up NB, WINCAT 2022 players will register on Cache Up NB, complete the Tasks and log their completed tasks on Cache Up NB.  We ask that players use their correct emails when they sign up.  When recording a completed Task, check that you use the correct GC code or Adventure Lab name to assist in scoring.  This will save a lot of time!  There will be an Excel Spreadsheet you can use to track your own progress.  This will be available on CacheUp NB.

At the end of the Tournament, we will have an Awards/Wrap Up event in April keeping in mind the COVID protocols in at that time.  As a minimum, there will be a Facebook Live wrap up on the New Brunswick Geocaching Welcome Center (NBGWC).  Alerts, updates, etc. will be transmitted by NBGWC & CUNB.  Thank you for your participation and the decision of the judges is final.  Cache on!

The Rules

Short Version Rules: Complete at least 19 tasks in 3 months; report each task within 7 days of fulfillment on the Claims page at Cache Up NB. Have fun!

Full Rules:

1. Game runs from 1 January 2022 through 04 April 2022. (Total 93 days)

2. Register on the Registration tab on Cache Up NB ( to let us know you’re playing. There is no deadline to register but keep in mind the 7 day claim time period.

3. Fulfill at least 19 of the 36 tasks listed below after the start of the game.  You may complete more than 19 tasks if you wish. The 19 best scores of your completed tasks will be used to calculate your final score.  This is a participation tournament designed to appeal to both those who love to find and those who love to hide caches.  More points are awarded for hiding caches, so bear that in mind when planning your strategy.

4. It is understood that “find a cache” means “find a cache previously unfound by you and log online” and “hide a cache” means “hide and have published on”. If the task is to be completed in a single day it will say so, otherwise it means over the period of the tournament.

 5. Caches you claim for the game must be logged on after the start of the game. Each task must be claimed against a cache previously unfound by you and only one task may be claimed per cache found or per cache hidden.

6. Tasks must be claimed in the Claims page at Cache Up NB within 7 days of fulfillment and before the end of the game. It is your responsibility to include all GC codes required to verify the task completion. There is no necessity to finish more tasks than you are able to complete.  It’s for fun, after all

7. Caches hidden for tasks must be published during the contest period (from 01 Jan – 04 Apr 2022) so keep reviewer time in mind. Find claims may be made on caches hidden during the contest period as long as you were not with the hider when it was hidden.

8. Hide tasks have no time limits or constraints to be published, except that they must be published before the end of the contest. To prevent chaos, please do not submit your hides all at once or all at the end of the contest. Spread them out over the contest period. Do not submit your claim until your caches are published. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to submit on time (and with time to spare to deal with problems) and to know and follow the guidelines. If there is an issue, generally it is with you, not the reviewer.

9. Points are awarded on the basis of either: Task Score + (Difficulty * Terrain) or a fixed point score. Each task clearly states the scoring method and any Bonus points for doing more than the Task.

10. It is assumed that everyone will play fairly and with honesty. If you’re hiding a 5/5 cache it is assumed that you would call it a 5/5 if the contest was not being played. If you claim a find of any kind it is assumed that you have fulfilled all requirements of that cache and signed the logsheet. We cannot, nor do we wish to, police you. We trust that all will play with integrity and honour.

11. In the event of a tie score, the earliest score will be used as the tiebreaker.  Or Rock, paper, scissors!

12. We, WINCAT, will administrate the game and our decisions are final. We reserve the right to provide clarifications to the rules at any point during the game. However, we will only modify the Tasks in extreme circumstances to avoid any confusion created last year.

Please double check to make sure the email you sign up with is correct; in previous contests there were a few typos in emails and that led to trouble contacting the players. Please make sure that you use the complete and correct GC codes when submitting claims. When you type in a GC code on the submission form on CUNB it links directly to the actual cache page so we can easily verify your claim. If the code is incomplete (usually folks leave off the “GC” preceding the number) or incorrect the link may not work and we have to manually try to figure out the correct code or have to contact the player for verification. This becomes time consuming and extremely frustrating when we’re dealing with hundreds of claim submissions. So, please, be careful when submitting your claims. Thanks!

The Tasks

Tasks (complete at least 19)

1. Kid Cache = 2 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a cache that displays a “kid friendly” attribute on the cache page to claim this task. If the kid friendly attribute is not present when your log is verified then your claim will not be accepted.

2. For the Wee Ones = 35 points outright. Hide a series of (5) caches with a kids theme. Make sure you use the “kid friendly” attribute on your cache pages. You may hide this series along a trail or all around the city as long as they are clearly named as part of a series.

3. Bug Off = 4 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Launch a brand new Travel Bug in the cache of your choice. Your score is based on the cache you first place it in. It must travel. Personal TBs that travel with you and that you dip in caches do not count. Bonus points (30) for the TB with the highest mileage travelled over the contest period. Make sure you provide the TB’s name and # when submitting your claim. It will not be shared, until the wrap-up event.

 4. Seriesly? = 25 points for the find and 35 points for the hide.  Find a series of 20 or more caches in a single day. Or hide a series of 10 or more caches.  The series must be a series along a road/trail or a clearly themed series spread throughout an area. The series must be clearly stated in either the title or cache description. Remember to submit your caches well before the end of WINCAT to ensure publication.

5. Fall Favourites (FF2015-2021) = 2 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find a cache with FF (Fall Favourites) in its name.  If you didn’t find it in season, now is the time to act!

 6. 6 Ways to Sunday = 35 points outright.  Over the course of the contest find 6 different caches using 6 different methods of transportation excluding your car/truck/SUV/motorcycle. Try a kayak, canoe, skis, snowshoes, ATV, bicycle, horseback, snowmobile, swim, skate, rappelling, etc. Take a picture of each method for each cache. Submit the task once it is completed, listing all of the applicable GC codes.

7. Four Quarters = 15 points for the find, 25 points for the hide.  Find (in a single day) or hide (over the contest period) a cache of each of the 4 size categories (micro, small, regular and large).

8. Did You Know You’re Popular = 8 points outright.  Find a cache of any type with more than 10 or more Favorite points. Heck, you might even enjoy this cache. 

9. It’s a Mountain Not a Molehill = 6 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a cache on a mountain. The mountain does not have to be on a map of the Maritimes but must be, at the very least, known locally as such and must be called by name in the cache name or description. “Mountain” or “mount” are both acceptable. Score an extra 10 points for a hide.

10. Do You DNF? = 4 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find a physical cache that you have previously logged a “Did Not Find”. Your DNF must have been logged and dated before the start of the game. In your claim submission, provide the date of your earlier DNF.

11. Are You a Maintainer? = 35 points outright.  Find 5 caches of any type that require maintenance and perform the repairs to claim this task. Maintenance can be anything from something as simple as replenishing the cache contents, replacing a log sheet/book to completely replacing a damaged/broken container. Previous logs must clearly state that the cache container was in disrepair or that the contents had diminished over time or that the log needed replacing. Doing maintenance on a cache you own does not count, nor does maintaining a cache you have previously found.

12. Fancy Dress = 8 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find any physical cache and have a photo taken of you at the cache where you are dressed in attire which directly relates to the cache’s theme. For example, if the cache describes pirates then eye patches, a wooden leg, sword and parrot would be appropriate attire. A wedding cache would have you dressed in a wedding gown. Be creative. Do not just wear ordinary clothes and try to make the theme fit. This requirement is all about your creativity. There will be a special prize for best costume.

13. Celebration! = 10 points outright.  Find a cache or attend or host an event on one of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Groundhog Day (Tue 2 Feb), NB Family Day (21 Feb), Valentine’s Day (Sun 14 Feb), International Women’s Day (Mon 8 Mar), or St. Patrick’s Day (Wed 17 Mar). Find a cache or attend or host an event on all six celebrations and earn 15 extra points.

14. EarthCache = 25 points for the find, 25 points for the hide.  Find three or hide one Earth Cache. Your logs must conform to the requirements of the Earth Caches and cannot be claimed until the cache owners have approved your finds/logs. Be careful you don’t run out of game time before the cache owner approves your logs. If you hide an Earth Cache the hide must be published during the contest period. Score an extra 10 points for an Earthcache hide.

15.  Are you afraid of the Dark? = 15 points for the find, 25 points for the hide. Either find or hide a night cache.  Who doesn’t like a scary trip to the woods at night?  Go as a group; safety in numbers!!  He! He!

16.  Coffee anyone?? = 35 points outright.  Be a host or hostess of an event. Have a favourite coffee shop? Or Mall food court?   Event must be 30 minutes in duration unless you are hosting a CITO, then it must be 60 minutes. See details under the Play tab, select “Hide a Cache”; then choose “Host an Event” on

17. Take a Muggle caching! = 10 points outright.  Do you know someone who has asked you about your hobby? Well, now’s the perfect time to introduce them to caching!  Log a physical cache with a person who has never been geocaching before and is not registered on  Your log must indicate that you were caching with your friend/muggle and attach a photo of your muggle friend while caching.

18. Lighthouse Cache.  5 points + (Difficulty * Terrain). Find and log any cache at or near, a lighthouse to claim this task.  The cache name or description must mention the lighthouse. Score an extra 10 points for a hide. Your published cache page should show a picture of the lighthouse.

19. Hide 5 Traditional Winter Friendly Caches = 25 points outright.  Hide 5 traditional caches that are winter friendly, which is generally accepted to be at least 4 feet off the ground.  Must be published by contest end (04 Apr 22)

20 Seven Days a Week = 35 points outright.  Find two caches of any type every day for 7 consecutive days. They do not have to be the same type every day.  List your 14 cache codes in your claim submission.

21. Take a Hike = 6 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a cache which displays the “medium hike (1km-10km)”  attribute. If the medium hike attribute is not present when your log is verified then your claim will not be accepted.

22. Gilligan’s Island = 8 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a physical cache that is hidden on an island that is not accessible by car. The cache page must clearly state that fact regardless of how large or small the island is.

23. A Four-For = 15 points outright. Find 4 caches, in a single day, all of different types (traditional, event, puzzle/unknown, multi, virtual, letterbox hybrid, event, mega event, EarthCache, webcam, Adventure Lab, CITO or Wherigo). Make sure to list all 4 on your claim form. One stage in an Adventure Lab counts as one cache.

24. The Forgotten = 8 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find any physical cache that has not been found in    the preceding 12 months.

25. Frosty Was Here! = 4 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a cache of any type and build a snowman at the cache site. Post a photo in your “found it” log or as a “write note” log to claim this task.

26. Show Your True Colours = 4 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a cache while wearing a sports franchise jersey or sweater. Post a photo in your “found it” log or your “write note” log to claim this task.

27. You’re No Justin Bieber! = 2 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a cache which has a musical theme or mentions music in its name.

28. Are you colour-blind? 10 points outright. Find or hide a cache with a colour in the title to claim this task.  What is your favourite colour? Score an extra 10 points for wearing that colour.  Post a photo with your log.

29. Ranger170’s Favourite Task (also known as Sporty’s Trifecta) = 35 points outright.  Find, in a single day, a cemetery cache, a covered bridge cache and a waterfall cache. The cache name or description must make it clear that the cache is hidden at/on/under/beside or near the cemetery, covered bridge and waterfall.

30.  I hate puzzles, (said no one ever!) 8 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find or hide a Mystery cache to claim this Task.  Puzzles can be quite intimidating, so partner up with a Puzzle Champ (Check their profiles under Cache types hidden) if you wish.  Wsnapo, Team BikeFast, & K57 have puzzles you can solve!! Score an extra 10 points for a hide.

31. Oldie But Goodie = 6 points + (Difficulty * Terrain) Find any physical cache that was hidden prior to January 1st, 2012 to claim this task.

32. County Lines = 35 points.  Find, in a single day, a cache in 3 different NB counties. In your claim you must name the 3 counties and which cache was found in each.

33. The Adventure Lab = 10 points Complete or publish an Adventure Lab (AL) to claim this task.  You must complete all stages in the AL to claim this task.  Must be completed by contest end.

34. The Double Five = 25 points.   Find or hide a cache with a 5/5 difficulty/terrain rating. You must post a picture of you and your GPS in your “found it” log.

35. You’re Going to Hate Us Now = 100 bonus points.  Find a cache every single day from 01 Jan 22 – 04 Apr 22 – yes, every single day! Remember, you cannot use the same cache for duplicate tasks so be careful in your planning. Keep a list or spreadsheet to submit via email once the task is complete. Submit your claim using the first cache on your list and then email it to us at

36. *****BONUS***** You’re Reeeeeally Going to Hate Us Now = 100 points outright.  Complete all 35 tasks. Your 19 best scores will be used to calculate your final score, with bonus points added to that.

Further Bonus:  In the spirit of caching, we will award the Elhart Bonus of 150 points to the cacher that finds the most caches during WINCAT.

AND, the ranger award for the most caches hidden during WINCAT! 100 additional points and a special prize

Notes: This is not a race. This is about going at your own pace and enjoying caching solo or with friends. Some requirements have a higher (or lower) score than others. Read the rules and tasks carefully and choose wisely. You are seeking points, not claiming the tasks first although there is danger in waiting too long. Even if you can’t get the high score, cunning strategy may result in a prize. If you have any doubts about whether a cache is suitable/claimable please feel free to contact us before claiming it. We will try to find a way to say yes, so lateral thinking is encouraged. Once we receive the claim and approve/reject it, a confirmation e-mail will be generated and sent to you.

Happy Caching, Play Safely and Good Luck to All!   Above all, have fun!! ranger170 out PS watch out for COVID! He’s a cacher that is ubique!!


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The NB Winter Caching Tournament (WINCAT) is a geocaching contest being hosted by, but not managed or maintained by, Cache Up NB. Cache Up NB is not responsible for the rules, managing of registrations, claims, or scoring of this contest. We are merely hosting the web page that contains the rules and forms being used.

Questions regarding your claims, registration, or score should be directed here.